Psychotherapy is a fancy word for intentionally creating a healing relationship. Of course, there's lots of ways to describe what the purpose of psychotherapy is, and many different opinions about what that purpose is, and how to get there. It depends on the personalities of the therapist and client and the particular problems you bring forward. Psychotherapy is different from doctor's visits in that it calls for an active effort on the client's part for therapy itself to be useful in your life. You get to define useful. You even get to define most of how we get there. I say we because this is a journey that a wise guide of mine once told me, “you can't take alone”. Psychotherapy has benefits and risks. To experience strong uncomfortable or undesirable moments takes courage, vulnerability, and a heartfelt desire to heal, love yourself, and thrive in your life. This means therapy often can feel like work. It is, if it's really healing, effective, and transforming. This work is important. Often, therapy leads to improved relationships with yourself and others. There are no guarantees on how long such things take, however, there is no limit to the power strong intention, presence, and compassion for yourself can bring into your life.


What is THIS Psychotherapy About?


As part of this process around your decision about therapy, I'd like to tell you about how we will work together.

I ascribe to the notion that throughout our lives, we are constantly noticing, ignoring, learning from, missing, forgetting and remembering key lessons about how we have and currently engage with the world. I believe we explore this in the therapeutic relationship. Some refer to this “thinking about thinking” as metacognition. I also believe that the meaning we make in our lives on a local and global level is tremendously important and influential in our lives. I also believe the more we heal, the more we live into our healthiest, most creative selves. The combination of developing the skill of present-moment-in-your-body-awareness, becoming aware of and reclaiming the narratives we have, and touching our own passions can powerfully lead individuals who struggle to individuals who stand with integrity. I am passionate about helping strong analytic minds and creative problem-solvers connect with their whole selves in the service of not only their mental and emotional health, but in contributing to their family, community, and the world at large. You may feel so stuck in your worries, thoughts, or repetitive patterns that you might not feel strong or creative. This work is lifelong in many ways, but I believe it is a strong foundation for healing work. This work is grounded in dialogic and narrative theories and practice, relational and psychodynamic theory, attachment theory, phenomenology, and Buddhist meditation practices as well as current mindfulness-based therapies.


I believe and trust in taking a leap. Una “brinca”. I believe in creativity. How you get some where can be just as important, sometimes more important than our reaching some particular vision. Sometimes understanding it all isn't as important as being present during the journey. In keeping with this sacred process, the key to unlocking our innermost sense of who we are and what inspires us seems to be self-awareness. Therapy involves a commitment of time, money, and energy, so be thoughtful and careful in your selection of the right therapist for you. It is a meaningful journey.

Areas of study and interest

  • Indigenous practices that honor the wisdom of community

  • Cultural Roots as a window into intergenerational trauma and strength

  • Anti-racism, queer, and intersectional frames of reference

  • Psychodynamic

  • Systems theory

  • Functional approach's psychology of growth

  • Adlerian psychology

  • Carl Roger's notion of a human's fullest potential

  • Gestalt/present-moment awareness

  • Narrative therapy

  • Post-modernism

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Mindfulness-based Therapies

  • Neuroscience

  • Thinking Fast and Slow (System 1 and System 2)

influential practitioners

  • Thich Nhat Hahn

  • Edward Podvoll

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • Louis Cozolino

  • Alice Miller

  • Nancy McWilliams

  • Letitia Nieto

  • Daniel Kahneman

  • Steven C. Hayes

New York city

WA, PA, NJ via Telehealth

Consultation By PHone

(347) 572-7048


(347) 572-7048